First Aid, AED, and CPR Training Courses We Offer

At CPR Classes Colorado, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality training to both healthcare providers and all individuals who wish to learn how to save lives.

Students have the option to take classes at our location in Arvada, CO. We can also go to your preferred location (on-site training), and for this option we prefer a minimum of four students.


Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers

This course is geared exclusively toward healthcare providers. It is designed to equip professionals with the skills they need to adequately respond to cardiac and breathing emergencies.

BLS for Healthcare Providers Renewal Course

This course is specifically for healthcare providers whose BLS certifications are current. 

This course is open to those whose BLS for Healthcare Providers certifications are current. Those whose certifications have expired but are within the 30-day grace period may also take this course.

If your certification has expired, you are still eligible to take this course within 30 days.


Learn essential lifesaving skills such as providing First Aid, performing CPR, and using an automated external defibrillator (AED). This course is open to individuals with little to no medical training.


This course can be taken by those who need a course completion card and anyone who wants to be prepared for emergencies. Medical experience or training is not a prerequisite for taking this course.

Family & Friends® CPR

Learn how to save lives together with your loved ones through this course. While classes are held in groups, the lessons can be customized to meet each
student’s needs.

Sign Up for a Class Today

Learn lifesaving skills by taking our courses.
To learn more about our programs, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.